Monday, January 9, 2012

Separating a Mixture

1)      1) Pick out obvious objects such as toothpicks and toy fly from plastic cup. Set aside on tray.
2)   2) Using spoon, scoop out beans from plastic cup and leave them on tray.
3)   3) Use blue magnet and slowly circulate over bottom of plastic cup to remove black substance. Leave          substance on magnet.
4)   4) Use funnel to pour liquid mixed with sand from plastic cup into graduated cylinder.
5)   5) Fold filter paper into area of funnel.
6)   6) Pour sand and liquid mixture from graduated cylinder through funnel, into beaker. Leave the sand in the       funnel.
7)   7) Turn hot plate on. Place beaker containing the liquid on hot plate and wait for mixture to boil.
8)   8) Unplug hotplate and remove beaker using tongs. Leave beaker on table.
9)   9) Examine each substance closely and determine what they are.
10  10) Wash each material used using soap and water. Dry and place back on tray.
11  11) Clean work area by washing and drying materials used and disposing properly of each substance. Reset work area for next group.

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